Ponuka z AUF - možnosť pre študentov 2. ročníkov a vyššie absolvovať stáž 1-3 mesačnú v období od apríla do decembra 2019. Prihlášky do 10.3.2019.

Summer Program 2019 of El Colegio de México

The Embassy of Mexico is pleased to send herewith the call for the “International Summer Program” of El Colegio de México. This cultural exchange and international education program aims mainly at students and bachelor/graduate degree students of social studies or humanities (Mexicans and other nationalities); but also high school senior year students are accepted.

The Research Assistant will support the Embassy in the development of a business directory for Irish
business in the Slovak Republic. The successful candidate will work as part of a busy and flexible
Embassy team, and will have opportunities to develop their skills and gain hands-on experience.
Reporting to the Ambassador, this role will include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Research into presence of Irish businesses in Slovakia;
  • Gathering data and information on Irish-Slovak trade, including trade statistics;
  • Liaising with Irish and Slovak companies and businesses;
  • Preparing information for inclusion in business directory;
  • Additional online research on Irish trade and business in Slovakia.

More details

Type of contract : Traineeship of between 3 and 12 months in total.
Who can apply : EU nationals who are eligible according to our traineeship programme (https://www.ecb.europa.eu/careers/what-weoffer/traineeship/html/index.en.html)
Salary : The trainee grant is €1,050 per month plus an accommodation allowance.
Working time : Full-time
Place of work : Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Closing date for applications 21 June 2018

More details : Reference 2018-145-TRA

 Prihlasovanie na mobility v rámci štipendijného programu CEEPUS pre študentov na akademický rok 2018/2019 bolo otvorené:

Študenti sa môžu uchádzať o štúdium v rámci siete AMADEUS - CIII-AT-0068-14-1819 na nasledovných univerzitách:

WU – (Vienna University of Economics and Business) / Austria

Od účastníkov na WU – (Vienna University of Economics and Business) sa vyžaduje veľmi dobrá znalosť nemčiny aj angličtiny.  

University „Luigj Gurakuqi“ Shkodër / Albania

Na University „Luigj Gurakuqi“ of Shkodra je potrebná znalosť angličtiny.

Využi príležitosť na získanie informácií o možnostiach stáže v spoločnosti Internationaler Bund. V stredu 21. februára 2018 o 12:30, v  miestnosti A3.13 (budova V2, 3.posch.) je ten správny čas. Hosťom bude zástupca spoločnosti Internationaler Bund - p. Marianne Steiner, ktorá Vám veľmi rada ochotne zodpovie všetky Vaše otázky. Neváhaj a získaj informácie z prvej ruky.

The European Central Bank has launched a new traineeship for a Student Research Assistant Traineeship Programme.  ECB is looking for candidates with a bachelor’s degree and ideally a master’s degree in economics, statistics, finance, computer science, mathematics or related field.  In addition, for a PhD traineeship at least two years of completed PhD studies in economics, statistics, finance, computer science, mathematics or a related field. 

Milí študenti,

radi by sme Vás informovali o zaujímavej ponuke: Global academic summer campus, ktorý sa uskutoční v dňoch 1.7. – 14.07.2018 na Southwestern University of Finance and Economics v Číne. Náklady na ubytovanie, stravu, kurzy a krátke výlety do firiem a historickej oblasti Chengdu sú hradené univerzitou. Náklady ktoré nesie študent zahrňujú letenky a poistenie.