The European Central Bank has launched a new traineeship for a Student Research Assistant Traineeship Programme. ECB is looking for candidates with a bachelor’s degree and ideally a master’s degree in economics, statistics, finance, computer science, mathematics or related field. In addition, for a PhD traineeship at least two years of completed PhD studies in economics, statistics, finance, computer science, mathematics or a related field.
Milí študenti,
radi by sme Vás informovali o zaujímavej ponuke: Global academic summer campus, ktorý sa uskutoční v dňoch 1.7. – 14.07.2018 na Southwestern University of Finance and Economics v Číne. Náklady na ubytovanie, stravu, kurzy a krátke výlety do firiem a historickej oblasti Chengdu sú hradené univerzitou. Náklady ktoré nesie študent zahrňujú letenky a poistenie.
Milí študenti,
dovoľujeme si Vás informovať o ponuke na stáž pre študentov na Zastupiteľskom Úrade vo Washingtone.
Milí študenti, dovoľujeme si Vás informovať, že v rámci programu Akcia Rakúsko – Slovensko, spolupráca vo vede a vzdelávaní, je aktuálne otvorená ďalšia výzva na predkladanie žiadostí o štipendiá na pobyty v Rakúsku, a to v nasledujúcich kategóriách:
The European Central Bank has launched a new traineeship for a Traineeship and PhD traineeship in the field of horizontal banking, DG MS IV.
Od 1.januára 2018 do 31.marca 2018 je možné požiadať o štipendium Taiwan Scholarchip (TS) a Huayu Enrichment Scholarship(HES).
Milí študenti,
radi by sme dali do pozornosti ponuku štipendií francúzskej vlády na akademický rok 2018/2019.
Možnosť získať ročné kofinancované štipendium na všetky úrovne štúdia (bakalár, magister, doktorát) a vo všetkých študijných odboroch. (380 eur mesačne platí študent alebo rodičia, 387 eur mesačne prispieva Francúzske veľvyslanectvo).
The European Central Bank is launching a new PhD Traineeship in the Directorate General Monetary Policy, DG/E. We are looking for candidates with a PhD in economics, finance, econometrics, statistics or a related field, or, at the closing date of the application period, at least two calendar years of PhD studies in these fields.
The European Central Bank is launching a new PhD Traineeship in the field of stress testing and macroprudential policy, DG/MF. ECB is looking for candidates with a PhD level qualification (or you will be close to completing a PhD), in business administration (with a focus on accounting), mathematics, physics, engineering, computer science or a related disciplin.
The European Central Bank is launching a new Traineeship in the field of stress testing and macroprudential policy, DG/I. We are looking for candidates with a bachelor’s degree in economics, finance, statistics, data science or a related field.
The European Central Bank is launching a new traineeship for a Traineeship in the Directorate General Monetary Policy, DG/E. ECB is looking for candidates with a bachelor’s degree or higher in economics, finance, econometrics, mathematics, statistics data.
The European Central Bank is launching a new traineeship for a PhD Traineeships in Directorate General Economic Developments. ECB is looking for candidates with a PhD in economics, finance, statistics, engineering or a related field, or at least two calendar years of PhD studies in economics, finance, statistics, engineering or a related field as at the closing date for applications.
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