The European Central Bank is launching a new traineeship for a PhD Traineeships in Directorate General Economic Developments. ECB is looking for candidates with a PhD in economics, finance, statistics, engineering or a related field, or at least two calendar years of PhD studies in economics, finance, statistics, engineering or a related field as at the closing date for applications.
The European Central Bank is launching a new traineeship for a Traineeships in Directorate General Economic Developments.
ECB is looking for candidates with a bachelor’s degree or higher in economics, finance, statistics, engineering or a related field and experience with one or more of the following types of economic data: macroeconomic data, financial market data, firm-level and/or other micro data. A sound understanding of the economic issues covered by the Division, the institutional framework of the ECB and the Eurosystem is essential.
The Wirtschaftsuniversität in Wien and the Estonian Business School have the pleasure to invite you to the International Summer University Nordic 2018 which will be held in EBS Helsinki Campus, Finland from July 30 to August 17, 2018.
More information can be found in the attached flyer.
The European Central Bank is launching a new traineeship for a PhD traineeship in international macroeconomics and international, DG/I.
Dear Potential Scholars:
On behalf of the Friends of Slovakia (FOS), a US based non-profit organization devoted to promoting good relations between Slovakia and the United States, we are writing to inform you of an opportunity that we hope you will bring to the attention of your students and friends. Every summer since 2004, FOS has provided support for Slovak students to participate in the summer programs of the Fund for American Studies (TFAS) in Washington, DC. The 2018 FOS Slovak Scholars program is scheduled to take place from 2 June-27 July.
The European Central Bank is launching a new traineeship for the European Banking Supervision – SSM traineeship. ECB is looking for candidates that have a bachelor’s degree or higher in economics, finance, accounting, business administration or another relevant discipline.
The European Central Bank is launching a new traineeship for traineeships in the Directorate Risk Management. ECB is looking for candidates that have a bachelor’s degree or higher in finance, economics, mathematics, statistics or a related discipline. In addition, the candidates should have a good command of at least one programming language (e.g. VBA, SQL, MATLAB, Python, Stata or R);s . Candidates must have completed their first cycle of education, evidenced by a full degree or equivalent, at the closing date for the application.
Dear Student,
We would like to inform you that the International Business School Americas has currently 70% scholarships available (leaving the cost to students at around US$ 1,350 in tuition fees) to programs in São Paulo, hosted in partnership with UNIP - Universidade Paulista, the largest university in Brazil. Every year International Business School-Americas hosts over 1,500 students as they travel to partner Universities’ campuses to study and experience international business with like-minded colleagues from around the globe.
The short-term, intensive business certificate programs are taught entirely in English. All of them are run during the holidays, in January, July and August.
The European Central Bank is launching a new traineeship in the Directorate General Microprudential Supervision I and II. ECB is looking for candidates that have a a bachelor’s degree in finance, economics, statistics, business administration, financial/banking law, accounting or other relevant discipline.
Vážení študenti,
Ministerstvo zahraničných vecí USA hľadá študentov v bakalárskom štúdiu na 5-týždňové letné školy, ktoré sa budú konať koncom júna - júl 2018:
- Letná škola o spoločenskom podnikaní - cieľom programu je umožniť európskym študentom zaoberať sa aktuálnymi témami pri spoločenskom podnikaní v U.S.A., ako sú vývoj, história, problémy a úspechy spoločenských podnikov v U.S.A. Inštitút poskytne účastníkom základné vedomosti o tom ako používať podnikateľské zručnosti na riešenie sociálnych tém, pričom sa zameria na témy ako podnikateľská etika, vyjednávanie, novovznikajúce trhy, analýza rizík, mikrofinancie, spoločenská zodpovednosť firiem, strategické firemné plánovanie a inovácie, ako aj ženy a menšiny v podnikaní.
- Letná škola o občianskej angažovanosti - cieľom programu je umožniť európskym študentom oboznámiť sa so spôsobom akým americkí občania, tak individuálne ako aj v skupinách, formovali americkú históriu, vládu či spoločnosť. Program sa pokúsi definovať občiansku angažovanosť a jej rozvoj v U.S.A. a bude skúmať témy ako občianstvo, komunitná spolupatričnosť, ekonomický rozvoj, aktivizmus, politické vodcovstvo, či dobrovoľníctvo.
Milí študenti,
dovolujeme si Vás upozorniť na možnosť absolvovania praktickej stáže v rámci programu Erasmus+ na akademický rok 2017/2018.
Deadline pre podanie prihlášky: 30. Október 2017
Pustup pri podaní prihlášky nájdete tu.
Kontakt: Mgr. Dávid Bocko
Email: , Tel.: +421 2 67295386, miestnosť: A3.16 Pon. - Št. (8:00 - 15:00).
The University of Padova (Italy) and the University of Sydney (Australia) have the pleasure to invite you to the “Food & Health” Winter School which will be held in Padova, Italy from January 29 to February 10, 2018.
Lectures will be provided by professors from the University of Padova and the University of Sydney, as well as by FAO and Italian Anti-Adulteration and Health Unit experts.
The Winter School program focusses on the most relevant aspects of food quality and human nutrition, in order to understand how they are related and how they affect human health, through dietary habits. The focus is on the interaction between food, nutrition, and human health, in order to bridge the gap between different disciplines.
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