Overcoming Economic Inequalities - Role of European Financial Systems

Department of Banking and International Finance with generous support of the Nadácia Národohospodár will host an international conference on the topic above, on 4 and 5 April 2019 in Stary Smokovec, High Tatras, Slovak Republic.


This conference aims at bringing scholars both from the Europe and other parts of the world to discuss experience of the European countries in dealing with problems of increasing economic inequalites. Global economy has suffered from deepening of economic inequalities among individual institutional entities within particular economic sectors. In light of the recent financial crisis the financial sector has become both the driver of inequalities as well as tool to mitigate their effects. The conference shall therefore provide a platform to discuss role of particular segments of financial systems in deepening of economic inequalities as well as to adress new challenges to future economic and financial development 

In our call for papers we ask for contributions that will focus on following areas of research and will be written in English language:

1. Banking system stability as precondition for balanced development

2. (De-)stabilizing role of financial markets

3. Financial innovations as a new source of inequalities

4. Distributional effects of monetary policy

5. New architecture for financial surveillance and regulation

6. Macroeconomic imbalances as reflection of present economic heterogeneity

For any further information please contact Organizing Team:  or visit the official conference webpage.



Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave za účelom šírenia pozitívneho povedomia a propagácie organizovaných verejných akcií, vyhotovuje obrazové a zvukové záznamy, ktoré zverejňuje na svojej webovej stránke. V prípade výhrad k zverejneným obrazovým a zvukovým záznamom si uplatňujte tieto výhrady písomne na e-mail: . Kompletné informácie k spracúvaniu osobných údajov tu.