Katedra aplikovanej informatiky a výpočtovej techniky


Katedra bankovníctva a medzinárodných financií


Katedra ekonomickej teórie


Katedra financií


Katedra hospodárskej politiky


Katedra pedagogiky


Katedra poisťovníctva


Katedra sociálneho rozvoja a práce


Katedra verejnej správy a regionálneho rozvoja


Department of Applied Informatics is the youngest department of the Faculty of National Economy of Economic University. It exists from the academic year 1997/1998, when Computing Center was founded, and in 4 years later in the academic year 2001/2002 was transformed into Department of Applied Informatics under the direction of Ing. Zdenko Krajnik, PhD. In the beginning, department had only 4 internal and 4 external teachers, all lecturers.

Since the beginning, the department provides teaching of faculty courses - Informatics I, II, III for all students of the 1. year of undergraduate study whereby Informatics III is a elective subject. Department provides complete training in the use of MS Windows and MS Office suite.

The research activities of the department focus on innovative education and implementation of information technology and computing resources to the educational process. Members of the department are members of several development projects and projects of young scientists. In addition, members of the department actively participate in conferences and publications. Department also provides consulting in the field of computer science for the whole faculty.


List of the department directors since its creation till today:

2001 – 2004 Ing. Zdenko Krajník, PhD.

30.01.2004 – 31.07.2004 Ing. Ivan Šóš

01.08.2004 – 31.10.2006 Ing. Radovan Ščesný

01.11.2006 – 31.10.2009 Ing. Ivan Šóš, PhD.

01.11.2009 – 30.04.2012 Mgr. Slávka Prváková, PhD.

01.05.2012 – Ing. Pavol Skalak, PhD.

Meno / Funkcia Pozícia E-mail / Telefónne číslo Miestnosť
Ing. Lucia Lacko-Bartošová, PhD.
Vedúca katedry
Odborný asistent

RNDr. Agneša Gašperanová, PhD. 
Tajomníčka katedry
Odborný asistent  
+421 2 6729 1274
Ing. Iveta Ondrášová, PhD. Odborný asistent  
+421 2 6729 1274
Ing. Martin Novák Odborný asistent 5C27

The Department of Applied Informatics and Computer Technology (KAIaVT) has an important place here in teaching the basics of informatics. Specifically, this is a complete education called the “third literacy”, i.e. gaining knowledge, skills and habits in using MS Windows operating system and MS Office.

In the past, several grant tasks have successfully been carried out by the Department:

  • e-learning education portal of the Faculty of National Economy on enhf.euba.sk
  • wireless WIFI network in the entire FNE building
  • PC-supported  student testing in several subjects
  • training of FNE teachers to switch to distance teaching
  • FNE information terminal
  • FNE Helpdesk (support center)
  • management of information systems of the Faculty and its website


Where you can find us: 5th floor, block C (old building)

Predmet nadväzuje na znalosti študentov z predmetu Informatika z prvého ročníka. Získané znalosti rozširuje o nové poznatky a efektívne spôsoby riešenia zložitejších úloh prostredníctvom nástrojov PowerPointu and Accessu. Predmet sa zameriava na tvorbu profesionálnej elektronickej prezentácie a prácu s databázovými systémami. 

Cieľom predmetu je naučiť študenta efektívne pracovať s tabuľkovým procesorom MS EXCEL. Predmet je zameraný na úpravu a formátovanie buniek, tvorbu grafov, databázy, kontingenčné tabuľky, použitie funkcií a citlivostné analýzy.

Cieľom predmetu je naučiť študenta vedieť sa orientovať v oblasti informačných systémov. Bude schopný efektívne pracovať v prostredí MS Windows a textovým procesorom MS Word.

The College of Commerce was established in Bratislava in 1940. Since then, it had been renamed on several occasions (first to Slovak College of Commerce in 1944, second to College of Economic Sciences in 1949, then to College of Economics in 1953 and finally to University of Economics in 1992) – partly due to its changing profile and focus and partly due to the socio-economic changes in the country. Our faculty, the Faculty of National Economy, bears its name since 1980 – its roots, however, date back to 1940, when it was established as Institute of National Economy.

Our department’s origins lie in 1950s. Then, the department was not yet an independent department, but its future members had already started to teach the courses that would later become the key courses of our specialisation under the study programmes of the Department of Finance. The first predecessor of our department, the Department of Money Circulation and Currency was established in the academic year of 1969/1970 under the leadership of Professor Otto Sobek. Due to changing political and social climate in the former Czechoslovakia, the department was abolished the following year. The department’s modern history started in 1990 – alongside the initial stage of the process of transition towards democracy and market economy in Czechoslovakia, when the Department of Currency, Credit and Banking was established. In 1991 it was renamed to Department of Money and in 2001 the department’s name was changed to its current form, the Department of Banking and International Finance. Therefore, in academic year 2020/2021, our department will celebrate both its 30th anniversary, as well as 50 years since it was first established.

List of Heads of the Department of Banking and International Finance:

1990 – 1994 prof. Ing. Otto Sobek, CSc.

1994 – 1997 prof. Ing. Irena Hlavatá, CSc.

1998 – 2000 prof. Ing. Anežka Jankovská, CSc.

2001 assoc. prof. Ing. Božena Chovancová, PhD., caretaker Head of the Department

2001 – 2003 assoc. prof. Ing. Mária Klimiková, PhD.

2003 – 2007 prof. Ing. Anežka Jankovská, CSc.

2007 – 2020 prof. Ing. Eva Horvátová, CSc.

2020 –          assoc. prof. Ing. Jana Kotlebová, PhD.

Department of Banking and International Finance is proud of our graduates, many of whom have proceeded to become very successful figures in both domestic and international financial institutions, in science and in economic policy.

External Doctoral Students


Position           E-mail/Tel. number

 Barbara Rašiová, MSc.

External PhD. studen  

 Ing. Miloslav Paracka

External PhD. studen   
 Ing. Nina Sljuka External PhD. studen



External Associates

Name Company
Illit Ilja Capco
Orviská Marta, prof. Ing. PhD. UMB Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
Horváth Roman, prof. Ph.D. Charles University, Czech Republic
Haiss Peter R., doc. Mag. Dr. MBA WU Wien, Austria
Hartwell Christopher A., prof. Dr. Bournemouth University, Great Britain
Sessions John, prof. PhD. Newcastle University, Great Britain
Tirpák Marcel, Ing. PhD. European Central Bank, Germany
Stavárek Daniel, prof. Ing. Ph. D. Szilesian University in Opava, Czech Republic
Molyneux Philip, prof. University of Sharjah, UAE
Štefaňák Gabriel, Mgr. Dukascopy Europe, Latvia
Sokol Martin, assoc. prof. Dr. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Svitek Martin, Ing. PhD. Erste Group Bank AG, Austria

Matušovič Marián, Ing. PhD.

VÚB Asset Management a.s., Slovakia

Reľovský Branislav, Ing.

National bank of Slovakia

Gavura Miroslav, Mgr.

National bank of Slovakia

Moravčík Martin, Ing.

TRIM Broker, Slovakia

Viktorín Stanislav X-Trade Brokers DM S. A., Slovakia

Department of Banking and International Finance teaches both at undergraduate and post-graduate levels. At Bachelor’s level, together with the Department of Finance, our department offers the study programme Finance, Banking, and Investment and the bachelor’s course Finance taught at the Faculty of Business Management, as well as the course Financial Markets and Banking, which is offered as a part of the joint study programme Economics and Law, which is administered in collaboration with the Faculty of Law at the Comenius University. At Master’s level, the department offers study programme Banking, and in cooperation with the Department of Finance the study programme International Finance, which is taught in Slovak and in English (joint degree with Nottingham Trent University, England), as well as the study programme Global Finance in English (double degree with the National Institute of Development Administration in Bangkok, Thailand). Furthermore, the department also offers the master’s courses Regulation and Bank Supervision, and Financial Instruments and Innovations to the students of study programme Law and Economics, which is organised jointly with the Faculty of Law at the Comenius University. At PhD level the department jointly offers the study programme Finance and Banking.

The department’s core fields of research include financial markets (money, bond, stock, commodity, derivatives, and FX markets), collective investment, banking, monetary policy, and international finance. Research activities of the department focus on a wide scale of analyses in the areas of economic integration, financial innovations, digitalization, green economy, income inequality, monetary policy transmission channels, managed currency depreciations, financial intermediation and financial literacy, behavioural finance, capital flight or money laundering. Members of the department have regularly been awarded research grants as a part of the national VEGA and KEGA frameworks, have regularly applied for APVV research grants and are members of different research teams as a part of frameworks such as COST, Visegrad Fund, National Science Centre grants (Poland), GACR (Czech Republic),  Erasmus+, SCIEX (Swiss rectors‘ conference grant), EU funded research projects. Apart from these projects, young scientists, and PhD. students at the department also participate at the University of Economics institutional research projects, as well as National Bank of Slovakia’s research projects.

Department’s current research project

  • VEGA 1/0221/21  Interest rates in the central banks'digital currency environment
  • VEGA 1/0607/21  Countercyclical tools of banking regulation in euro area
  • APVV – 20-0359   Covid-19 pandemics, macroeconomic development, food safety and households wellbeing

The department has also developed a wide-ranging cooperation with socio-economic practise – represented by demand-oriented projects, consultations, and scientific expertise. In cooperation with Tatra Banka and the Faculty of Commerce at the University of Economics, the department organises practical course ‘Bankademy’, which focuses on retail and corporate banking.

The results of research activities of the department members are regularly presented at international conferences, published as scientific monographs, textbooks, articles in international conference proceedings and papers in renowned scientific journals.

Department also organises bi-annual international scientific conference ICCBIF (International Conference on Currency, Banking and International Finance), which is impacted in the Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics).

Students of the study programme Banking also regularly compete in European and Worldwide rounds of the Rotman Trading Competition (Italy, Canada) and have repeatedly achieved prominent placements at this competition.

Our graduates are very successful on the labour market, they are employed by international institutions (i.e. ECB, Bloomberg, Macquarie Group, Honeywell International), as managers in prestigious departments of Slovak financial institutions (audit firms, banks, pension management companies, stock traders) or in civil service.

You can find us: 3rd floor, block C (old building) Phone: +421 2 672 91 334

Management of the department

KOTLEBOVÁ, Jana, Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Ing., PhD.

KOTLEBOVÁ, Jana, Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Ing., PhD.

Head of Department

Associate Professor

3C.25 +421 2 6729 1325
ÁRENDÁŠ, Peter, Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Ing., PhD.

ÁRENDÁŠ, Peter, Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Ing., PhD.

Head of Section for publishing and pedagogical activities

Associate Professor

Section for publishing and pedagogical activities, Section for scientific projects and cooperation with practice 3C.10 +421 2 6729 1360
HUPKOVÁ, Silvia, Bc.

HUPKOVÁ, Silvia, Bc.


3C.04 +421 2 6729 1334
STANOVÁ, Barbora, Dipl. Ing., PhD.

STANOVÁ, Barbora, Dipl. Ing., PhD.

Secretary and web coordinator of the Department

Assistant Professor

3C.27 +421 2 6729 1327



Dejiny peňažníctva


Ekonomické modely v medzinárodných financiách


Finančné programovanie


Finančné trhy a bankovníctvo




Hypotekárne bankovníctvo


Investičné bankovníctvo


Investičné analýzy na kapitálovom trhu


Kapitálové trhy


Kolektívne investovanie


Komoditné trhy


Manažment bánk


Medzinárodné financie


Medzinárodné finančné centrá


Menová analýza a prognóza


Menová teória a politika


Opčné a swapové obchody


Operácie komerčných bánk


Operácie na finančnom trhu


Peňažné trhy


Platobný styk


Podnikanie komerčných bánk


Riadenie úverového portfólia


Špeciálny seminár z bankovníctva


Špeciálny seminár z meny a finančných trhov


Účtovníctvo bánk

Department of Microeconomics


  • Principles of Economics 1
  • Microeconomics (I. degree)
  • Microeconomics (II. degree)
  • Advanced Microeconomics
  • Applied Microeconomics Seminar
  • Principles of Economics 1 (taught in English)
  • Microeconomics (taught in English)
  • Advanced Microeconomics (taught in English)
  • Advanced Topics in Microeconomics (taught in English)

Strategic orientation:

Pedagogical area:

  • Creating an innovative framework of courses in the new study programme - Applied Economics - to develop students' critical thinking, creativity, reflective thinking, and teamwork.

Research area:

  • Involve all members in national projects and increase their participation in international research projects.

Publication area:

  • increase number of publications indexed in WOS and SCOPUS.


Department of Macroeconomics


  • Principles of Economics 2
  • Macroeconomics (I. degree)
  • Macroeconomics (II. degree)
  • Advanced Macroeconomics
  • Seminar of Applied Macroeconomic Analysis
  • Methodology of Economics
  • International Economics and Law
  • Principles of Economics (taught in English)
  • Macroeconomics (taught in English)
  • Advanced Macroeconomics (taught in English)
  • Advanced Topics in Macroeconomics (taught in English)

Strategic orientation:

  • Improving the quality of lectures and seminars provided by members of the Department.
  • Involve all Department members and increase their participation in international research projects.
  • Increasing the proportion of outputs published in journals included in renowned databases.

In scientific and research activities, members of the Department focus primarily on the following research topics:

  • International labour migration and its impact on the labour market in Slovakia and EU countries.
  • Indebtedness of economic subjects and EU countries in the context of fiscal sustainability.


Department of Methodology and Development of Economics


  • Methodology of Economics
  • General Economic History
  • Development of Economic Science
  • Theory of Public Choice
  • Behavioural Economics

Strategic orientation:

  • Pedagogical area:
    • Use of innovative teaching methods.
    • Implementation of digital technologies in the teaching process.
  • Publication area:
    • Focusing on the publication of scientific works in scientific journals in CC, WoS, Scopus databases.
  • Scientific area and project activities:
    • Active search for international contacts in order to participate in international projects.
    • Respond to calls regarding the submission of projects in Slovakia and abroad (domestic schemes – VEGA, KEGA, APVV, foreign schemes – for example COST, Horizon, options within the Erasmus+ program).

In scientific and research activities, members of the Department focus primarily on the following research topics:

  • Behavioural economics
  • Economics of the public sector
  • Methodology of Economics
  • Economic history
  • Heterodox and orthodox approaches in economic theory
  • Economic cycle