Spolu s o.z. SOLIM vydáva Katedra hospodárksej politiky EAPG Working Paper Series. EAPG - Economic Analysis and Policy Group - sú neformálne stretnutia učiteľov, mladých výskumných pracovníkov, študentov a ľudí z praxe, na ktorých sa diskutujú rôzne témy zo spoločenského života, ako aj výskumné práce z rôznych vedeckých oblastí. Okrem stretnutí sme sa pred pár rokmi rozhodli vydávať spolu príspevky, v ktorých by boli prezentované výsledky vlastného výskumu učiteľov a PhD. študentov. Okrem toho majú v rámci EAPG Working Paper Series možnosť publikovať výsledky výskumu vynikajúci študenti inžinierskeho štúdia. 

Názov série je: EAPG Working Paper Series

Periodicita: nepravidelne

ISSN 1338-2632

Doteraz publikované dokumenty zoradené od tých najnovších nájdete nižšie:


Číslo 12

Some notes on international transport margins in a balanced World Input-Output Tables

Lábaj, M.

Číslo 11

Optimálne pokuty za kartelové dohody: prípad Slovenska

Kališ, R. - Lábaj, M. - Zemanovičová, D.

Číslo 10

Efektívnosť regulácie v podmienkach slovenského plynárenstva

Silanič, P. - Šiškovičová, A.

Číslo 9

Technologické toky v ekonomicke Slovenska

Kubala, J.

Číslo 8

Hodnotenie eko-efektívnosti pomocou DEA modelov - dvojkroková metóda

Silanič, P.

Číslo 7

Ex-post skúmanie poklesov zametnanosti: Prípad Slovenskej a Českej republiky

Dujava, D.

Číslo 6

Štruktúrna dekompozícia emisií CO2 v Slovenskej republike

Habrman, M.

Číslo 5

Porovnanie ekonomické vývoja v SR s Rakúskom

Svoreňová, M. - Lábaj, M.

Číslo 4

Analýza zdrojov rastu a úrovne TFP v krajinách V4 a vo Fínsku

Kúšik, R. - Lábaj, M.

Číslo 3

Analýza vzťahu ekonomického rastu a nezamestnanosti

Slušná, Ľ.

Číslo 2

Postavenie dolára v medzinárodnom finančnom systéme - vybrané aspekty

Vojtková, M.

Číslo 1

Nekoklasický a keynesovský pohľad na rast ekonomiky

Dujava, D.

Crespo-Cuaresma Jesús, univ. prof. Dr., Vienna University of Economics and Business

Weiss Christoph R., univ. prof. Dr., Vienna University of Economics and Business

Biliana Yontcheva, PhD., Vienna University of Economics and Business

Halická Margaréta, doc. RNDr., CSc., Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave

Zdeněk Tomeš, prof. Ing., Ph.D., Masarykova univerzita v Brne

Martin Kvizda,Doc. Ing., Ph.D., Masarykova univerzita v Brne

Kliková Christiana, prof. Ing., CSc., TU Ostrava

Habrman Michal, Ing., PhD., Inštitút finančnej politiky - MF SR

Kubala Jozef, Ing., PhD., Inštitút finančnej politiky – MF SR

Baláž Vladimír, doc. Ing., PhD. DrSc., CSPV, Prognostický ústav SAV

Sabo Štefan, Ing., PhD., Centrum spoloč. a psychologických vied SAV

Workie Menbere Tiruneh, prof. Dr. Ing., PhD., Ekonomický ústav SAV

Silanič Peter, Ing., Mgr., PhD., Súkromný sektor

Šuster, Martin, Mgr., PhD., Národná Banka Slovenska

  • We are a group of pedagogues and researchers who are curious about current economic, social, and societal issues and challenges.

  • The well-being of our society plays a significant role in our research activities. We try to share our passion about economics with our students.
  • Cutting-edge results and methods of the national as well as the international are implemented in our teaching.
  • We provide our students with subjects which broaden and deepen their economic knowledge, improve their empirical, statistical, and data processing skills. This furnishes them with a comparative advantage, which enables them to find a job in the labor market.



Where you can find us: 4th floor, block B (old building)

Phone: +421 2 6729 1440


Najnovšie metódy pre rozhodnutia a politiky založené na údajoch - jasne a zrozumiteľne

Osvojíte si vedomosti o moderných metódach výskumného dizajnu pre odhad kauzálnych efektov opatrení, programov a politík.

Získate pokročilé zručnosti pre používanie moderných softvérov (napr. Stata) v empirickom ekonomickom výskume, naučíte sa skripty, programovať pokročilejšie analýzy.

Naučíte sa formulovať ekonomický problém a navrhnúť výskumný dizajn pre jeho preskúmanie prostredníctvom empirickej analýzy, formulovať hypotézy a analyticky ich potvrdiť alebo vyvrátiť.



Martin Lábaj, Erika Majzlíková


Predpoklady: aspoň jeden semester ekonometrie

Zaradenie v študijných programoch: povinný predmet št. programu Aplikovaná ekonómia (2.st), výberový predmet št. programu Ekonómia (3.st)


Stručná osnova:

  • Základné pojmy, napr. kauzalita, skreslenie, ceteris paribus.
  • Výskumný dizajn, indentifikačné stratégie, estimátor.
  • Znáhodnené kontrolované experimenty.
  • Regresia s viacerými kontrolnými premennými.
  • Skreslenie spôsobené vynechaním premennej.
  • Inštrumentálne premenné.
  • IV estimátor a dvojstupňová metóda najmenších štvorcov.
  • Regresia diskontinuitných zmien.
  • Diff-in-Diff estimátor.
  • Odhady na spojených prierezových údajoch a panelových údajoch pre hodnotenie efektov politík.
  • Metóda syntetických kontrolných skupín.
  • Neštandardné štandardné chyby


Odporúčaná literatúra:

Cunningham, S., 2021. Causal inference: The mixtape. Yale University Press.

Angrist, J.D. and Pischke, J.S., 2014. Mastering'metrics: The path from cause to effect. Princeton University Press.

Wooldridge, J.M., 2016. Introductory econometrics: A modern approach. Nelson Education.

Angrist, J.D. and Pischke, J.S., 2008. Mostly harmless econometrics: An empiricist's companion. Princeton university press.


In the context of the current enlargement of the European Monetary Union, this article aims to examine economic synchronization of Croatia with the Euro Area in the time-period domain. To this end, we calculate wavelet coherences and construct several wavelet indicators for real and nominal economic variables as well as variables related to economic sentiments. Comparing the results for Croatia with the benchmark economies, we find a relatively high level of synchronization of the real production and the producer prices in the lowest period band. Unemployment and the economic sentiment indicator both show a less intensive level of synchronization. Regarding unemployment, this may be due to structural factors outside the scope of the monetary policy. As for the economic sentiment indicator, there is evidence that it might get more synchronized after the introduction of the common currency. Therefore, this should not preclude Croatia from entering the European Monetary Union.


The aim of this paper is to investigate business cycle synchronization between seven candidate countries to the Euro Area (EA) – Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Sweden – and the Euro Area (EA-12/EA-19), France and Germany. The Hodrick-Prescott filter is used to decompose the real Gross Domestic Product into trend and cyclical components for the period 1995Q1-2019Q4. The results point to the existence of a strong business cycle synchronization between Sweden and the Euro Area, Germany, and France. The second highest correlation was observed for the Czech Republic followed by Hungary, Poland and Croatia. In contrast, Bulgaria and Romania show the weakest business cycle synchronization with both the Euro Area and the core economies. We conclude that Sweden is the most prepared country to be the next passenger in the single currency train from the perspective of business cycle synchronization.


The aim of this paper is to examine the potential impacts of automation and digitalisation on the Slovak labour market, which, according to several studies, belongs to a group of countries with the highest risk. To quantify the share of employment at a high risk of automation, we use detailed employment data and automatability estimates (or substitutional potentials) for individual occupations according to three different methodologies: by Frey and Osborne (2013), Dengler and Matthes (2018), and Mihaylov and Tijdens (2019). In 2019, depending on the approach taken, the share of employment in Slovakia at a high risk of automation ranged from about 20 to 47%. Districts at the highest risk of automation include Kysucké Nové Mesto, Bytča, Myjava, Skalica and Krupina, while districts with the lowest share of employment at risk are Svidník, Levoča, Ružomberok, Košice I and Trebišov. A key point is that technological progress is not likely to increase the existing regional differences in Slovakia or have a greater impact on districts with high unemployment. Other findings show that employees with a lower income face a higher risk of losing their job as a result of technological progress. Industries with the largest share of employment at a very high risk include many manufacturing industries, as well as wholesale and retail trade. In terms of occupations, mechanical machinery assemblers and electrical equipment assemblers face the highest risk. Regarding trade, occupations potentially facing a high risk include shop sales assistants, cashiers, ticket clerks, commercial sales representatives, and stock clerks.


We study the relationship between market size and a number of firms in several healthcare professions in Slovakia to provide a new evidence about
their entry decisions and a toughness of competition in the market. The size of a local market to support the entry of the first general practitioner
is estimated to 1400 inhabitants. It equals 1700 inhabitants for the first pharmacy to enter, and 2300 for pediatricians. The population has to more
than double for the second professional to enter. To support the second firm, the population per firm in the market has to increase by 30 % for pharmacies, by 25 % for general practitioners, and by almost 40 % for pediatricians. However, after the entry of the second firm, the intensity
of competition does not change, except for pediatricians. The results are robust to spatial interactions taken into account. However, our estimates of
spatial interactions show negative (but decreasing) spatial spillover effects for pharmacies, general practitioners, and dentists between 1995 and 2010. In
this period, competitive effects prevailed and outweighed demand spillovers. We document that demand effect continued to grow since 2010 and in 2017
outweighed the competition effect for pharmacies.


We use three different indicators based on inflation expectations to measure central bank credibility in 9 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. We quantify credibility using differences between official inflation targets and inflation expectations as well as differences between inflation expectations and implicit targets based on estimation of the Taylor rule. Determinants of central bank credibility are investigated using pooled OLS. According to our results, stable and low inflation and sound public finances are conductive to central bank credibility. We show that our results are in line with survey-based measures of trust in local currency.


To understand the effects of automation and other types of technological changes on European labor demand, we use a framework and empirical decomposition of observed changes in the total wage bill in the economy developed by Acemoglu and Restrepo (2019). The decomposition is derived from a task-based model that allows us to study the effects of different technologies on labor demand. At the center of the framework is the task content of production|measuring the allocation of tasks to factors of production. Automation, by creating a displacement effect, shifts the task content of production against labor, while the introduction of new tasks in which labor has a comparative advantage improves it via the reinstatement effect. Overall effects are country-time specific and call for an empirical exploration. We apply the decomposition to 15 European countries with good data coverage in EU KLEMS database.