Všeobecným cieľom projektu PAQUALITY je zvyšovanie kvality výučby v odboroch verejná správa (za EUBA NHF odbor verejná správa a regionálny rozvoj). Jedným z výstupov, resp. nástrojov na dosiahnutie tohto cieľa je výmena medzinárodných skúseností za účelom prípravy odboru pre možnú medzinárodnú akreditáciu. Z Katedry verejnej správy a regionálneho rozvoja na ňom participujú: Tomáš Jacko, Tomáš Černěnko, Elena Žárska. V rámci doterajšej činnosti sme vykonali nasledovné aktivity (v angličtine):
- 23 November 2018 transnational project meeting in Bratislava
- 25 May 2019 project meeting in Prague
- 15 November 2019 Transnational project meeting in Ljubljana
- 16-18 September 2020 Project Workshop (virtual)
- 20 November 2020 3rd Transnational Project Meeting (virtual)
- 13 April 2021 Project Multiplier Event: Public Administration Education Quality Enhancement in Slovakia (virtual)
Doterajšie výstupy (Outputs):
Output O1: Assessment of methodology and materials of public administration teaching and its relevance for practice
- Collection of data from university websites
- Processing the data, writing and reviewing the written document Public
- Administration Education in Slovakia: a country report prepared for the intellectual
output 01
- Collection of data from alumni, postgraduate students and employers
- Processing the data, writing and reviewing the written document Assessment of
- Methodology and Materials of PA Teaching and its Relevance for Practice - The analysis of practical relevance of programme competencies
Output O2: Open platform for quality sharing in public administration education
- Sharing information with other project partners
- Reading and reviewing Assessment of Methodology and Materials of PA Teaching and its Relevance for Practice of project partners
Output O3: Methodological framework for quality improvement of project partners
- Writing self-evaluation study for a quality enhancement of involved PA programs at the University of Economics
- Evaluation of 2 self-evaluation studies for a quality enhancement of involved PA programs – Varna Free University and University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik, Košice
Output O4: Qualitative and quantitative analyses of interactions of the created network
- Inviting selected programs included in the project database for an external evaluation of their quality. Programs were asked to complete an initial questionnaire developed
by project partners.
O5: Methodological Framework for Development of Competencies Relevant for Practice
-The main aim of the activity is to identify teaching and learning approaches, which combine theoretical and scientific knowledge on the one hand with practice oriented action on the other hand; it represents an outcome of a research work on competencies needed for the practice performed under the project.
O6: Methodological Framework for Developing PA Curricula in Conformity with the European Quality
- The main objectives of this intellectual Output is to explore opportunities and challenges for EAPAA evaluation of PA programs in the NMS of the EU with a special focus on the PA programs in Slovakia and other participating countries.
O7: Methodological Approach to the European Public Administration Accreditation in the New EU Member Countries
-The aims of activities conducted in order to prepare the IO7 were a/ to perform an investigation on a compatibility of the EAPAA accreditation with national accreditations in all countries of institutions partnering in the PAQUALITY project and b/ to develop a feasibility study on the recognition of the EAPAA accreditation by national accreditation bodies, including recommendations what could be done for an improvement.
O8: Policy Recommendations for Implementation of the European Public Administration Accreditation at Different Levels (High Education Programs, Public Administration National Authorities, National Accreditation Bodies)
- This project output represents a comprehensive overview and summary of the findings and knowledge gained and experience resulting from the activities of the PAQUALITY project launched between 2018 - 2021 by NISPAcee in cooperation with major partners, namely EAPAA, Masaryk University, Corvinus University of Budapest, Ljubljana University, Babes-Bolyai University and other HEIs from the new member states.
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