Na katedre hospodárskej politiky sme opäť zorganizovali ďalší z cyklu EAPG seminárov. Tento-krát vystúpiliMartin Darmo a Barbora Šedová (Ministerstvo životného prostredia SR) s témou: Illegal Dumping


Using the data on illegal waste dumping, provided by the TrashOut platform, this paper examines the determinants of illegal waste dumping at the county-level (79 counties) in Slovakia. The results have revealed a negative relationship between costs of illegal waste disposal and dumped waste volumes and a positive relationship between costs of legal waste disposal and dumped waste volumes. Moreover, it has been shown that higher level of expected waste production results into higher rate of illegally dumped waste. More precisely, income has a positive impact on the rate of illegal waste dumping, poverty influences the rate of illegal dumping negatively and higher level of education does not result into more responsible waste management. On the contrary, higher education has a positive influence on the rate of dumping.



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