16. októbra sa uskutočnil ďalší seminár z cyklu Bratislavských ekonomických seminárov. Tieto semináre organizuje Katedra hospodárskej politiky spolu s odborom výskumu NBS a Centrom pre ekonómiu a financie UK v Bratislave. Tento semester prebiehajú semináre na Fakulte matematiky, fyziky a informatiky UK, Prednášková sála C, Mlynská dolina, Bratislava.

S prednáškou vystúpil Emmanuel Thanassoulis, a to na tému: Using DEA to Estimate Potential Savings at English General Practitioner Units Delivering Health Services 

Emmanuel Thanassoulis (Aston University, Birmingham, UK) - Using DEA to Estimate Potential Savings at English General Practitioner Units Delivering Health Services 



The talk will cover work undertaken to identify benchmark cost-efficient General Practitioner (GP) units at delivering health care. Savings were estimated at two levels: at overall GP practice level and in the Geriatric and General Medicine (GMG) specialty. The use of a single medical specialty makes it possible to reflect more accurately the medical condition of the List population of the Practice so as to contextualize its expenditure on care for patients. We use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to estimatethe potential for cost savings and to decompose these savings into those attributable to the reduction of referrals and drugs, to altering the mix of treatment pathways and to those attributable to securing better resource ‘prices’. The results reveal a considerable potential for savings of varying composition across GP units.   




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