V apríli zorganizovala Katedra hospodárskej politiky ďalší seminár z cyklu Bratislava Economic Seminar, ktoré spoluorganizuje s odborom výskumu NBS a Centrom pre ekonómiu a financie. Na tomto semináry vystúpil Martin Kahanec, z inštitútu "Central European Labour Studies Institute" s prednáškou na tému: Migration, integration, and economic prosperity in the EU: Debunking a minefield of faulty paradigms. Podujatie sa uskutočnilo v konferenčnej sále Národnej banky Slovenska.
Adverse demographic trends and the loss of innovation potential jeopardize the prospects for sustainable prosperity in the EU. A related challenge is the sustainability of public finances. Labor mobility is seen as a vehicle of improved allocative efficiency of labor markets. Migration is however also surrounded by a discourse about competition for jobs and welfare, welfare shopping, and negative effects on public finance. Do migrants take jobs of native workers? Do they abuse social assistance and services, and do they disproportionally go to countries that provide more generous welfare provisions? This research agenda provides answers to these questions based on state-of-the-art analysis of hard data. A key finding is that some of the key paradigms around which European migration discourse revolves are myths unrelated to the veracity of EU's experience with migration.