OLEŠ, Tomáš, Ing.
- odborný asistent Tajomník katedry
101003 - Katedra hospodárskej politiky
- Miestnosť 4B40
- E-mailová adresa
- Telefón +421 2 6729 1480
- Osobná webová stránka https://tomasoles.github.io/home/
- Konzultačné hodiny:
Utorok (Tuesday): 13:00 - 15:00
- Pedagogická činnosť:
- Ekonomická teória 1 (časť Mikroekonómia)
Doplnkové informácie
Short bio:
Tomáš Oleš is an assistant professor at the University of Economics in Bratislava. He is particularly interested in understanding the impact of automation and new technologies on the labor market and income inequality. His previous research focused mainly on the empirical analysis of business cycle synchronization and the dynamics and determinants of economic convergence across EU regions. He teaches Economics 101 and Macroeconomics 201 as well as Data Science in R.