The Faculty of Economics and Finance of the University of Economics in Bratislava offers doctoral (PhD.) studies in 2 accredited study programmes:
Important dates:
by 12 April, 2024 The List of dissertation thesis 2024/2025
by 13 June, 2024 E-application submission via AIS
by 13 June, 2024 Application for academic recognition of a diploma
On 28 Juny, 2024 Admission exam
Information for applicants is published in: VP č. 2-2024 Further conditions of admission to the study programmes of the 3rd degree of studies at the NHF EUBA for the academic year 2024-2025
Dissertation theses topics for which candidates can apply for the academic year 2024/2025 :
Dissertation theses topics study programme Economics
Study in the study programme Economics is carried out only in full-time form, the doctoral student receives a monthly scholarship of about 1000 EUR and does not pay tuition fees for the standard length of study.
An applicant for doctoral studies at the Faculty of Economics and Finance submits an application online via AIS (Academic Information System of the University of Economics in Bratislava). Online application is available from 13. 4. 2024. For submition, please use link:!/home#%2Fhome. The applicant is obliged to enter all the data required. The manual for creating an e-application for PhD studies is available here:
All attachments must be submitted in the electronic application form - CV, Motivation letter, Dissertation project, University degree diploma,
The List of published scientific papers, Confirmation of admission fee payment.
Information about Application for academic recognition of a diploma are available at:
The Application form: Application
The Applicant applies for academic recognition of a diploma by 13 June 2024 at the latest.
The Admission fee = 40,- eur
IBAN SK47 8180 0000 0070 0008 0671
- beneficiary bank: Štátna pokladnica, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava
- the intermediary bank: Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s., Mlynské Nivy 1, 829 90 Bratislava, SWIFT (BIC) – SUBASKBXXX
- the name of the faculty to which the applicant applies: NHF EUBA
- variable symbol: date of birth : rrmmdd0000 (for example 20. 05. 1996 – 9605020000)
- specific symbol: 1010003
For information about tuition fees see:
The study is organized on the basis of the credit transfer system and completely in accordance with the Bologna process. The study programme is designed for teachers and researchers, as well as specialists from the public and business sectors. The focus of the study is on acquiring research skills and knowledge needed to carry out independent research in economics, business and management sciences. Graduates from the doctoral study programme receive the third level university education and upon completion the degree PhD (Philosophie Doctor). The programme can be studied in Slovak (Finance) or English (Economics).
A doctoral programme of study is aimed at gathering state-of-the-art scientific knowledge. The students are required to conduct scientific research and carry out independent creative activities in the field of science and thus make their own contribution to the global scientific findings. Upon successful completion of the doctoral programme of study the students are awarded the doctoral degree. The study at a doctoral level (hereinafter referred to as “doctoral study“) is conducted in accordance with an individual plan of study and under guidance of student’s thesis supervisor. The duration of full−time doctoral studies is 3 years (Economics, Finance); the duration of part-time doctoral studies is 4 years (Finance). A doctoral study programme and the progress of each student is monitored and evaluated by a joint scientific board for the relevant field of study set up in accordance with the internal rules of the faculty. University of Economics in Bratislava or External Educational institution provides a full-time doctoral student a scholarship based on the Higher Education Act of the Ministry of Education SR, No 131/2002.
A doctoral study consists of an educational part and a research part. The educational part of a doctoral study consists predominantly of lectures, seminars and individual study of specialised scientific literature depending on the field of the dissertation thesis research. The research part of a doctoral study consists of research activities within the framework of the dissertation thesis topic which may be carried out either by the student alone or in a research team. A full-time doctoral study also includes teaching activities. Apart from tutorials, the average amount of student’s teaching activities in one academic year shall not exceed two units of teaching per week.
A doctoral study is concluded by the dissertation thesis defence. During the dissertation thesis defence the student shall prove his or her capability to carry out independent research and creative activities in the respective field of research or development. University of Economics in Bratislava awards the students who successfully complete the doctoral study with the academic title of “doctor“ (“philosophiae doctor“ abbreviated „PhD.“), which shall be written after the person’s name.

NOVÁK, Marcel, Dipl. Ing., PhD.
Statutory Deputy of the Dean, Vice Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies
+421 2 6729 1298Address:
University of Economics in Bratislava
Faculty of Economics and Finance
Office for Research and Doctoral Study
Dolnozemská cesta 1
852 35 Bratislava
Slovak Republic