Department of Social Development and Labour
Faculty of National Economy
University of Economics
TREXIMA Bratislava
organize international scientific conference
25 years of transforming centrally planned economies: experiences and perspectives
1st and 2nd December 2016
Hotel Sorea, Bratislave
Countries of Central and Eastern Europe have undergone over the past quarter century profound political and economic changes. Labour market issues, labour and employment remain the focus of academics and policy makers of the labour market. Although aggregate economic indicators point out to increasing prosperity in the region, the wider quality of life issues are often neglected and participation some groups of people on this generally positive development is insufficient. Themes of social policy, social protection, social inclusion and social quality are therefore becoming a priority for further economic and social development. Harmonization of economic development and education is essential for further progress.
We look forward to your papers and see you in Bratislava!
Scientific committee
Marek GORA - Warsaw School of Economics
Štěpán JURAJDA - CERGE-EI, Univerzita Karlova v Praze
Martin KAHANEC - Národohospodárska fakulta, Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave
Gábor KÉZDI – Central European University Budapest
Martina LUBYOVÁ - Centrum spoločenských a psychologických vied SAV
Anton MARCINČIN - Splnomocnenec vlády SR pre podporu najmenej rozvinutých okresov
Géza MIHÁLY – TREXIMA Bratislava
Eva RIEVAJOVÁ – Národohospodárska fakulta, Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave
Milan ŠIMEK - VŠB-TU Ostrava
Ganna VAKHITOVA - Kyiv School of Economics
Milan VODOPIVEC - University of Primorska, Koper
Topics of the conference
Countries of Central and Eastern Europe have undergone over the past quarter century profound political and economic changes. Labour market issues, labour and employment remain the focus of academics and policy makers of the labour market. Although aggregate economic indicators point out to increasing prosperity in the region, the wider quality of life issues are often neglected and participation some groups of people on this generally positive development is insufficient. Themes of social policy, social protection, social inclusion and social quality are therefore becoming a priority for further economic and social development. Harmonization of economic development and education is essential for further progress.
Conference organizers welcome papers to any of the mentioned themes, as well as specific issues related to:
- transformation of labour markets and their institutions;
- reforms of the social security system and its impacts;
- the impact of tax policies on labour markets;
- policy and employment strategies;
- active labour market policies and measures to create new jobs;
- pay differentiation and disparity;
- gender disparity in the labour market;
- application of the vulnerable groups in the labour market;
- the importance and results of social partnership;
- factors and the impact of migration and labour mobility;
- development of the qualification structures of the population and the possibility of synchronizing the requirements on the needs of skilled workers;
- strategic intent and prognosis of development of secondary and higher education with regard to labour market requirements;
- possibilities for the effective use and re-training of unemployed people;
- dual education;
- alternative forms of employment and precarious work.
Contribution to the conference:
Conference papers should be sent in a standard format of scientific journal to the e-mail address, while the formatting and the range of text do not impose any requirements. Input received from the conference can be written in Slovak, Czech or English language.
The conference organizers will prepare the special issues in cooperation with:
- Impact journal International Journal of Manpower (in English) http://www. products/journals/author_ guidelines.htm?id=IJM - International scientific journal IZA Journal of European Labor Studies registered in Scopus (in English)
- Scientific journal Revue sociálno-ekonomického rozvoja (in Slovak, Czech and English).
katedra-socialneho-rozvoja-a- prace/revue-socialno- ekonomickeho-rozvoja
The papers are subject to review after the presentation in person at the conference venue.
- Deadline for full paper submission: 14. 10. 2016
- Confirmation of accepted/ no accepted full papers 21. 10. 2016
- Conference fee payment and registration: 7. 11. 2016
- Deadline for sending the papers in selected journal: 31. 1. 2017
Conference fee
Conference fee is set at 60 EUR, for staff of the University of Economics in Bratislava 50 EUR.
Payment of registration fee in favor of the Foundation NÁRODOHOSPODÁR to the account kept at VÚB, a.s., RP Furdekova 16, 851 04 Bratislava 5.
Account number: SK27 0200 0000 0001 3013 3012
VS: 121216
Additional data: Surname of the conference participant
Conference programme
The registration will be opened from 22. 10. 2016.
Hotel Sorea in Bratislave -
Map - Map
University of Economics in Bratislava
Department of Social Development and Labour
Dolnozemská cesta 1
852 19 Bratislava 5
Tel.: +421 2 672 91 463