In 1950 the Institute of Financial Economy, which took over the tasks related to education of financial economists educated in higher education and development of financial science, was established at the Higher School of Commerce. The Finance Department was established in academic year 1951/52 and followed up in activities of the above Institute. The study programme Finance is linked to the establishment the Finance Department.
When established, the Department had hardly any internal teachers and pedagogical process was ensured by 19 external teachers. Head of the Department was also an external teacher – Pavol Majling. In the 50-ties the core, department establishing team members were as follows: Ing. Pavol Gallo, Ing. Milan Majcher, Ing Jozef Rosa, Ing. Vladimír Háčik, Ing Ján Petrenka, Ing. Otto Sobek and Ing. Ladislav Unčovský.
In 1953 three faculties were established at the Higher School of Economics, and the Finance Department, as the guarantor of the study programme Finance, had been developing within the structure of the Faculty of Internal Business and Finance. FD provided teaching of the basic subject Finance that was a part of each study programme curriculum at the Higher School of Economics and in addition, FD guaranteed a large spectrum of subjects under the study programme Finance, which was in the academic year 1958/59 transferred to the Faculty of General Economy. The Finance Department has been since then developing under the Faculty of National Economy as an integral pedagogical and research and development workplace for the whole field of finance and currency.
In late 60-ties the Finance Department was divided into three sections:
Business finance
Public finance
Cash flow and credit
In academic year 1968/69 a part of FD had been separated and a new Department of cash flow and currency was established. This department was, however, as of December 1, 1970 re-affiliated to the Finance Department.
In the 70-ties an intensive co-operation with Finance Department of the Higher School of Economics in Prague and with several foreign Higher Schools (Kiev, Moscow, and Katowice, Berlin) was developed in addition to pedagogical duties. Co-operation was developed in the form of study stays; exchange student stays abroad without purchase of funds in foreign currency, participation in international conferences, organizing student scientific and research activities, etc. The cooperation resulted in outcomes such as monographs, higher education textbooks and joint professional papers. One research task was implemented jointly with Humboldt University in Berlin. Cooperation with research institutes, central authorities and enterprises was also very successful. Based on the labour market needs, in early 80-ties two following specialized study programmes were designed under the study programme Finance: Banking and Sectoral Finances. Organizational structure of FD remained unchanged until 1989.
In 1990 departments at the Faculty of National Economy were re-organized, the Finance Department and 4 other departments were established as follows:
Public finance and financial control
Currency, credit and banking
Business finance and stock exchange
Insurance and insurance industry.
In 1992, the name of the Public finance and financial control department was changed to Department of Public Finance. As a follow-up to ongoing changes at the Faculty, the name of the department was changed to Finance Department, which had two sections:
Public finance section
Theory and business finance section
In 2007 the Finance Department was again reorganized. Currently there are three sections:
Public finance and public expenditure management
Taxation and tax consulting
Business finance.
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ANDACKÁ SLOBODOVÁ Adriána, Ing. | Deloitte | Senior Tax Consultant |
BAŇACKÝ Lukáš, Ing. | Migračný úrad Ministerstva vnútra SR | expert pre bezpečnostné plánovanie a logistiku |
BARCAJ VARCHOLOVÁ Monika, Ing. | PwC Slovensko | Senior Tax Consultant |
BEDNÁRIKOVÁ Dagmar, Ing. PhD. | daňová poradkyňa | |
BOCH Jaroslava, Ing. PhD. | FinStat | riaditeľka |
BORZA Michal, Ing. PhD. | RVmagnetics, a. s. | podpredseda predstavenstva |
BOŠKOVÁ Ivana, Ing. | Mazars | Senior Manager |
BREČKA Stanislav, JUDr. Ing. LL.M. PhD. | 3PACK group, a. s. | finančný a prevádzkový riaditeľ |
BRINDZOVÁ Zuzana, Ing. PhD. | Mestský úrad Púchov | vedúca Oddelenia organizačného a vnútornej správy |
ČERVEŇÁKOVÁ Beáta, mjr. Ing. | Finančné riaditeľstvo SR | referent vzdelávania, lektor |
ČIERNIK Anton, Ing. PhD. | Ministerstvo dopravy SR | |
DAVID Petr, prof. Ing. Ph.D. | Ústav financí a účetnictví, Provozně ekonomická fakulta, Mendelova univerzita v Brně | vysokoškolský učiteľ |
DROPPOVÁ Dana, Ing. PhD. CA. DipIFR | Stopercentná daňová, s. r. o. | audítor a daňový poradca |
ĎURANA Radovan, Mgr. | INESS - Inštitút ekonomických a spoločenských analýz | analytik |
ĎURANOVÁ Jana, Ing. | Deloitte | Tax Consultant |
DUŠOVÁ Renáta, Ing. | Pracovisko Štatistického úradu SR v Nitre | riaditeľka |
DVORNICKÝ Igor, Mgr. PhD. | riadiaci pracovník vo finančnom sektore, Londýn/Singapur | |
GEŠKO Martin, Ing. PhD. | EkoEnergia Distribúcia, s. r. o. | konateľ/ riaditeľ |
HALÁSKOVÁ Martina, doc. Ing. Ph.D. | VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava | vysokoškolská učiteľka |
HALÁSKOVÁ Renata, doc. Ing. Ph.D. | Ostravská univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta | vysokoškolská učiteľka |
HOLLÁ Daniela, Ing. | Deloitte Tax, s. r. o. | Senior Manager Transfer Pricing |
HRADÍLKOVÁ Elena, Ing. | Deloitte | Tax Manager |
JENČOVÁ Katarína, Ing. | Deloitte | Senior Tax Consultant |
JURÁK Radko, Ing. | DAC Consulting, spol. s r. o. | odborník na spotrebné dane |
KASSAI Michaela, Ing. PhD. | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Manager |
KOCÚREK Martin, Ing. MSc. | MET Slovakia, a. s. | Controller |
KOČKOVIČOVÁ Jana, Ing. PhD. | Dell, s. r. o. | Senior Tax Analyst |
KOLESÁROVÁ Libuša, Ing. | Štatistický úrad Slovenskej republiky | generálna riaditeľka sekcie podnikových štatistík |
KOLLÁROVÁ Lenka, Ing. | PwC Slovensko | Manager |
KOPOREC Lukáš, Ing. | Deloitte | Senior Tax Consultant |
KORYTÁROVÁ Zuzana, Ing. PhD. LL.M. | VGD SLOVAKIA s. r. o. | Tax Manager |
KOVÁČOVÁ Eva, Ing. | Glycanostics, s. r. o. | Výkonná riaditeľka (CEO) |
KRISTEĽ Marián, Ing. PhD. | Skillmea s. r. o. | Chief Operation Officer |
KRIŠTOFIČ Katarína, Ing. PhD. | Národná banka Slovenska | hlavná inšpktorka dohľadu |
KUCHTA Ľuboš, Ing. Mgr. PhD. MPH | špecialista na systémy úhrad liekov a zdravotnej starostlivosti | |
LACIŇÁK Jozef, Ing. PhD. | Miba Sinter Slovakia s. r. o. | špecialista finančných nástrojov a procesov |
LALÁK Milan | finančný riaditeľ Tesco Stores SR, a. s. | |
LUKAČOVIČOVÁ Jaroslava, Ing. | poradkyňa Združenia podnikateľov Slovenska, prezidentka účtovnej asociácie a expertka na dane, odvody a podnikateľské prostredie | |
MARCINČIN Miroslav, Mgr. | VGD SLOVAKIA s. r. o. | Tax Director |
MIHÁLIKOVÁ Silvia, Ing. | Československá obchodná banka, a. s. | korporátny bankár |
MICHALICOVÁ Irena, Mgr. art. | Múzeum Jána Cikkera | riaditeľka |
MOTÝĽ Stanislav, Ing. | Deloitte | Tax Manager |
MRVOVÁ Jana, Ing. | Deloitte | Tax Manager |
PONIŠT Viliam, Mgr. PhD. | Národná banka Slovenska | právny expert platidiel |
REGULOVÁ-GAJDOŠOVÁ Hilda, Ing. | E&L Consulting, s. r. o. | konkurzný a reštrukturalizačný správca |
SANDTNER Tomáš, Ing. | BDO, spol. s r . o. | Manager |
TAIN Miroslav, Ing. | BDO, spol. s r . o. | Tax Partner |
TÓTH Richard, Ing. Mgr. PhD. | Privatbanka, a.s. | hlavný ekonóm |
ZELEZNÍK Juraj, Ing. PhD. | SCCD, n. o. | finančný manažér |
- Hits: 57600
Where you can find us: 3rd floor, block B (old building)
Phone: +421 2 6729 1321 Mail :
Consultation hours members of the department in the summer semester 2023/2024
Study advisor : Ing. Lukrécia Kováč-Gerulová, PhD.
Pedagogical activities
In pedagogical activities, the Department of Finance focuses on the collection, creation and dissemination of the latest theoretical and analysis of empirical knowledge of public finance, taxation, tax advice and business finance, financial, fiscal and tax policies, then financial, tax analyses and forecasts, risks and uncertainties in the finance. In addition, it focuses on systemic, institutional, accounting, and knowledge of both public and business finances, tax system and tax counselling.
The department on the 1st degree of study, along with other faculty and university departments, is involved in providing the study program the Finance, Banking and Insurance. On the 2nd degree of study and within the study program Finance and taxation. The program International Finance as a joint program with the Nottingham Trent University is taught in the English language. In addition, the Department on the 3rd (doctoral) level of study, along with other departments of the Faculty provides the study program Finance.
Undergraduate courses: Finance; Introduction to quantitative methods; Public finance; Introduction to business finance; Introduction to experimental methods in economics
Graduate courses: Experimental economics; Business finance; Risk and uncertainty in finance; Analysis and forecasting in finance; Behavioural public finance
Post-graduate courses: Theories in finance; Applied experimental economics; Financial econometrics and applied finance; Applied business finance; Behavioural approaches in finance
Research activity
The scientific research activity of the Department is focused on the issue of company and state defaults, taxes at national level, but also in connection with international transactions, financial innovation and behavioral public finances.
Current projects of the department: APVV, VEGA, UNIVNET.
The results of the research are presented by members of the department in scientific journals.
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