International education at the university level allows students to obtain high quality education and improves their opportunities at the international labour market. Expansion of international cooperation is one of the NHF EU priorities.

International study programmes are integral and very important part of the NHF EU activities, which allow for mobility of teachers, PhD students and secondary degree students. They bring international dimension into the university education and research, provide benchmark to compare quality of education with other institutions.

NHF EU is involved in many international programmes, standard European education and research programmes among them, as well as bilateral cooperation with European universities and/or universities around the world. Cooperation with the U.S. universities is also in place, mainly via Fulbright Commission.

Within European educational programmes, departments of the NHF EU have been involved in the programmes LLP, ERASMUS, CEEPUS, Leonardo da Vinci, and of European Social Fund.

The most common programmes

  • ERASMUS+ is a European Union education programme, which offers students to spend a semester at the foreign university, and/or attend selected courses and use the credits obtained in the own study programme undertaken at the NHF EU.

This programme also includes teachers’ mobility. This implies opportunities for teachers to lecture at the European universities, where they may work as visiting professors or visiting scholars.

NHF EU is also involved into other ERASMUS programme – “Intensive Programme”, which provides students with opportunity to attend 2-weeks study visits aimed at European integration.

NHF EU is also involved in two summer school programmes:

  1. Summer school organised by University of Goettingen
  2. Summer school organised in cooperation with Torun School of Banking
  • CEEPUS stands for a central European exchange programme of university studies. Currently active participants of this programme are Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and since 2005 also Montenegro and Serbia.
  • Programs administered by Slovak Academy Information Agency, especially National Scholarship Programme and events Austria-Slovakia.

National scholarship programme

National Scholarship Programme of Slovak Republic is aimed to support mobility of foreign students, PhD students, university teachers and research staff in Slovak universities and research institutions. Scholarships are also intended for Slovak citizens - students and PhD students of Slovak universities (also in case that PhD study is being undertaken at the external institution in wording of the university legislation, for instance at the Slovak Academy of Science) - to cover for the cost of living during the attainment of the secondary level degree, or for the time of research during a PhD study at the selected foreign university, or research institution.

The following are scholarship types disbursed from National Scholarship Programme:

  1. Scholarships for students of Slovak universities for the period of one semester study of secondary level degree at the universities abroad.
  2. Scholarships for PhD students of Slovak universities and departments of Slovak Academy of Science during their PhD study for the period of 1 to 7 months at the university or research institution abroad.
  3. Scholarships for students of foreign universities for the period of one semester study of secondary level degree at Slovak universities.
  4. Scholarships for PhD students for the part of their full-time PhD study for the period of 1 to 7 months at Slovak universities or research institutions.

Fellowships for foreign university teachers and research staff for 1 to 7 months to cover for lecturing and/or research at any Slovak university, research institution or non-governmental organisations based on invitation.

Action Austria - Slovakia

Action Austria - Slovakia is a bilateral programme, aim of which is to intensify cooperation in education and science between Austria and Slovakia

International Visegrad Fund

International Visegrad Fund offers secondary and tertiary level degree scholarships for selected students for the period of 1 to 2 semesters (excl. secondary level degree scheme of scholarships In-Coming for 1 to 4 semesters covered).