The pedagogical profile of the Department is in teaching theoretical and practical problems in the field of public administration and regional development, and in particular in issues of territorial government, regional economics and policy, urban development, regional analysis, environmental policy, economic geography, urban marketing and the management and development of projects for regional and local development and policy analyses.
The scientific research activity of the Department has contributed to the development of science in the field of regional economics and regional policy and deals with the theory of organization and performance of public administration and the practice of government and government institutions. The Department is responsible for the study program Public administration and regional Development on the I., II. and III. level of study.
The Department has initiated the establishment of the Civil Society for regional science and policy, which is an association of academics and practitioners in the field of regional development in Slovakia and in the Czech Republic. The Society is a representative of the Slovak section in the European Regional Science Association. Its main activities include the annual organization of the Regional Science Winter Seminar and the co-organization of the Central European Conference in Regional Science.
Where you can find us: 3rd floor, block B (old building)
Phone: +421 2 6729 1154, +421 2 6729 1318

REHÁK, Štefan, Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Ing., PhD.
Head of the Department
Associate Professor
3B.48 +421 2 6729 1318