KOVÁČOVÁ, Lucia, Mgr., M.A.
- PhD. student
101003 - Department of Economic Policy
- Room 4B10
- Phone 02/6 7 2914 70
- Research Gate Profile:
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lucia-Kovacova-4
- LinkedIn Profile:
- https://linkedin.com/in/lucia-kováčová-b1737a245
- Office Hours:
Only e-mail consultations.
- Teaching activities:
Základy makroekonómie/Basics of Macroeconomics
- Publications:
Lukáčová, K., Kováčová, L. and Kahanec, M. (2022). Industrial relations and unemployment benefit schemes in the Visegrad countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 28(2), pp. 229–246.
Mýtna Kureková, L., Kováčová, L. and Holičková, N. (2022). Spolupráca ruže prináša. Sonda do pracovnej integrácie ôsob s viacnásobným znevýhodnením v období koronakrízy. Bratislava: Institute for Forecasting, Slovak Academy of Sciences.
Holubová, B., Kahancová, M., Kováčová, L. and Lichá, M., (2022). Mapping the Labour Market Trends and Trade Union Policies for Young Teachers and Other Education Personnel. Brussels: ETUCE, FES, and Central European Labour Studies Institute.
Kováčová, L, Studená, I. and Mýtna Kureková, L., (2021). Bridging the gap between legislation and practice in the posting of workers: Slovakia Country Report. Bratislava: Institute for Forecasting, Slovak Academy of Sciences.
Rigová, E., Dráľová, A. and Kováčová, L. (2021). Druhošancové vzdelávanie na Slovensku. Implementačná prax a jej bariéry. Bratislava: Slovak Governance Institute.
Holubová, B., Kahancová, M., Kováčová, L., Mýtna Kureková, L., Sedláková, M. and Šumichrast, A. (2021). Chcem pracovať, kto mi pomôže? Posilnenie spolupráce medzi tvorcami politík a neziskovným sektorom pri integrácii zdravotne znevýhodnených na trhu práce. Bratislava: Central European Labour Studies Institute and Slovak Governance Institute.
Kahanec, M., Kováčová, L., Polačková, Z., Sedláková, M. (2020). The social and employment situation of Roma communities in Slovakia, Study for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, Luxembourg.
Miškolci J., Kováčová L. & Rigová, E. (2020). Countering Hate Speech on Facebook against the Roma Minority in Slovakia. Social Science Computer Review, 38 (2). (published online in August 2018)
Rigová, E. & Kováčová, L. (2020). Inclusion of Roma children in the context of compulsory preprimary education in Slovakia: Barriers and potential implementation problems. Background Paper. Warsaw: ODIHR-OSCE.
Kováčová, L. (2019). Study supporting the 2019 evaluation of Youth employment. Case study - Slovakia. Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. (to be publicly available). (Contract VC/2018/0715)
Škobla, D., Kováčová, L. & Ondoš, S. (2018). Sociálne podniky pracovnej integrácie na Slovensku. Súčasné skúsenosti a budúce perspektívy [Work integration social enterprises in Slovakia: Current experience and future perspectives]. Bratislava: Slovak Governance Institute.
Miškolci J., Kováčová L., Kubánová, M. (2017). Trying to Include but Supporting Exclusion instead? Constructing the Roma Educational Policies. European Education (1) 2017.
Miškolci, J., Kubánová, M. & Kováčová, L. (2017). Who really wants inclusion of the Roma children in educ ation? Mapping motivations of various school stakeholders in Slovakia. Bratislava: Slovak Governance Institute
- Research activities:
Research interests:
Thesis: Digitalisation and inequalities: an intergenerational and intersectional analysis
Digitalisation at the labour market
Labour integration of vulnerable groups
Poverty and intersectionality
Industrial relations
Labour mobility
SISEC 2021 Conference in Bologna (7-8 June 2022) Sessione 15 – Industrial relations in transition(s): (post)pandemic challenges, environmental crises, and technological change.
28th International Conference of Europeanists 2022, Council for European Studies.
Research projects:
ISKILL: Industrial relations and social dialogue to kick-in inclusive adult learning (2022-2023)
VEGA: Causes and consequences of inequalities in the labour market in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (2021-2024)
POW-Bridge: Bridging the gap between legislation and practice in the posting of workers (2020-2021)
BARCOVID: Impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the collective agreements in Europe (2021-2023)
BAWEU: Business and welfare (2020-2022)
ETUI-CELSI COVID-19 Observatory (2021-2022)
ETUCE Mapping the labour market trends and trade union policies for young teachers and other educational personnel (2021-2022)
The social and employment situation of Roma communities in Slovakia, Study for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, EP (2020)
Changes in the financial labour market: The impact of Directive 2014/65 (MiFID II) and Digitalization (2019-2021)
Mapping trade unions and professional associations in 6 Eastern Partnership countries (2019 -2020)
I want to work, who can help me? Strengthening the cooperation between policy-makers and the non-profit sector in return to work of persons with health conditions (2019 - 2020)
PPV project: Strengthening Professional Capacities in Pre-primary Education in the Context of Roma Children Inclusion (2019 - 2020)
Public Sector Actively Supporting Second-chance Education (2018 - 2021)
Increasing Roma Employment through Social Economy (2016 - 2018)