Clara and Eduard spent a full academic year at NHF EUBA as part of a double degree programme with the University of Pavia in Italy. In this interview, they share their unique experiences and insights into academic and cultural differences. They reveal the opportunities that studying in Bratislava offered them and how they enjoyed their time in Bratislava. We have been working with the University of Pavia on double diploma programmes for a number of years and we are delighted that our group of international students has been enriched by students from Italy. Read more in the interview.

How did you feel when you first arrived at EUBA?

Clara: I felt a bit disoriented because the university is really big, but professors were there to help

Eduard: I was surprised about the university structure and I felt somewhat confused but the professors were available to assist me.

What have been the highlights of your stay?

Clara: I loved the practical courses that we have been following at university, and I fell in love with the city from the first moment.

Eduard: I like to experience new cultures in this country.

How easy or difficult was it to adapt to the new city, environment and academic system?

Clara: it was my first time staying far from home and living abroad, but the city is nice and not chaotic, so it is not difficult to adapt. Also, the ESN group from the university is extremely helpful when it comes to making new friendships.

Eduard: In the beginning, it was difficult to adapt to the city and environment because of the language. Regarding the academic system, it was easy to adjust.

What are the main differences between the education system here and at the University of Pavia?

Clara: First of all, in Pavia, lectures are not mandatory, and there are no distinctions between lectures and seminars. Also, the grades are expressed in points on total from 0 to 30 cum laude.

Eduard: There are some compulsory courses to attend, which in Pavia are not, and the type of exams and schedule are different.

How do the courses you are taking here differ from those at your home university in terms of content and structure?

Clara: the main difference is the numerical analysis and coding courses that we do in Pavia

Are there any particular courses at EUBA that stood out to you?

Clara: I have loved the course Applied Econometrics: Policy Evaluation.

Eduard: I loved the Econometrics and Applied Econometrics courses.

How have you found the social life here? Have you made friends easily? What have you enjoyed most about living in Slovakia?

Clara: As I said, it was my first time living abroad, and therefore, I was really scared of not making friends, but that was not a problem at all. Erasmus groups and parties make it really easy to make friends from the first moments here, and I must say that the people I have met here will be in my heart forever. Also, Bratislava is located in the middle of Europe, so it is easy to travel from here to other famous European cities like Budapest, Prague, Vienna, and so on.

Eduard: I found out about social life mainly from social media and groups. Being in an international environment with a lot of Erasmus people it has been easy to make new friends. The thing I enjoyed the most was the possibility to travel easily around Europe from Bratislava and the people I met.

What cultural differences have you noticed, and how have you adapted to them?

Clara: I did notice a lot of cultural differences here, except maybe for the Slovak food, but I think that I am just too used to Italian food.

Eduard: The main cultural difference is that the daily time schedule here is really different from Italy, where nearly all shops and restaurants close early.

What advice would you give to other students considering a double degree program or exchange at our university?

Clara: there are a lot of presentations to do and teamwork, so be ready to talk in public!

Eduard: To speak with some students from the previous program exchange and learn a little bit of Slovak!

Are there any specific preparations you recommend before arriving? What would you like to see implemented for future exchange programs?

Clara: I wouldn’t say there are any specific preparations to do before coming here. Maybe just try to practice your English.

Eduard: To clarify the exam schedule better, since they are professor-specific.

Have you discovered any new interests or career goals as a result of this exchange?

Clara: I had the possibility of doing a workshop in the Slovak National Bank thanks to my supervisor here at EUBA, and this has definitely caught my attention also for possible future careers in banks.

Eduard: I discovered I like working on econometrics programs a lot, and maybe I will look for a job in that area.

Can you share a memorable moment or experience from your stay here?

It was our state exam.




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