
Over the last decades, theoretical work has come up with a significant amount of concepts how the income inequality and economic growth may affect each other. The recent literature identifies many channels through inequality may have positive, negative or even both effects on economic performance, but in different time dimensions.The relationship has been researched from the both perspective: the impact of income inequality on economic growth, and how the economic growth and efficiency are related to income inequality. Despite of the amount of theoretical and empirical work, the relationship between efficiency and equality is far from being well understood.

Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave za účelom šírenia pozitívneho povedomia a propagácie organizovaných verejných akcií, vyhotovuje obrazové a zvukové záznamy, ktoré zverejňuje na svojej webovej stránke. V prípade výhrad k zverejneným obrazovým a zvukovým záznamom si uplatňujte tieto výhrady písomne na e-mail: . Kompletné informácie k spracúvaniu osobných údajov tu.